Monday, October 29, 2007

Listening task 2

The second podcast I have listened was named "#153 Weekend in Las Vegas". It ws taken from the same website as the first one - Besides, this text was not as long as "A suspicious Neighbor". It lasted only 12 minutes.
I have listened this podcast for two times, since the rate of speaking was not slow, but normal. I guess that level of english was intermediate. Besides, the speaker's accent in this podcast was American again. We can think like this even because of the podcast title: action was in Las Vegas. Of course, there were some wordsI did not know the meaning, but after listening twice, I have looked up the meaning of unknown words in dictionary. So, the reading of a transcript helped me with unfamiliar words for me.
Despite listening this podcast for several times, I believe that my ability to understand authentic speech is good. What is more, even I do not understand some words, I always understand the main point of the subject.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Listening task 1

Our teacher told us to do the listening practise at home and speak about our responses to it. My first listening task was named "A suspicious neighbor". You can find it in
As you could see, it is the website to improve English, as second language, skills. the podcast lasted about 17 minutes. It was quite difficult to keep attention for the listening text for such minutes. Exactly, I did not find any difficulties in listening that text. In my opinion, the speaker was American, as it was said in the podcast. What is more, level of English I guess, was intermediate since the rate of speaking was quite slow and almost all the words which where told by the speaker were known to me, so it was easy to understand the text. Therefore, I have listened to it only once. Despite of understanding almost everything, there were some words I did not know at first. So that, after listening practice I have read a transcript and it really helped me with unknown words. I checked them in a dictionary.
Podcasts is really a good way to improve English knowledge. It would be efficient to listen to them as often as possible.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Sexism in Society

It’s about time to make women equally to men. Women are treated unjustly all over the world. The constitution states that all people are treated equal and it is against the law to be discriminative. Even so, women in many countries are looked upon as inferior to men. Everyone has heard million of times that women are equal to men and sexism isn’t a part of our society anymore, but it is. Women are discriminated everyday and we just deal with it. Isn’t it time for women to demand the same respect and opportunities as men?
Sexism is everywhere, but the most common place is at work. Have you ever noticed that women don’t have as high job positions that men do? We aren’t given as many chances in jobs, raises, and wages like men are. An example of this is our government. There aren’t half as many female representatives as there are males. Even if a woman is as able or skilled as a man is, chances are the man will get picked and paid better. Wages and job positions aren’t the only acts of sexism and discrimination committed in the workplace, harassment is also a problem. Females are verbally and sexually harassed by fellow male workers and rarely is anything done about it.

School is another place where sexism and discrimination is an issue. The administration usually isn’t very sexist, but the males attending that school are. There is verbal abuse and sexual harassment, but everyone thinks it’s all in fun. Most teenagers go along with it, without even knowing its discrimination. Even if anything is reported to the administration, nothing is done about it. Whoever did it might get yelled at, but most of the time that is the worst that will be done to discipline them.

Other than school and the workplace, sexism even occurs in the media, it is on television, movies, and music. Rap music is mainly focused on sex, drugs, and has many vulgar names referring to women. Since all age groups listen to this freely, they think it’s acceptable to do and see things talked about in the music without thinking its wrong.

Sexism also occurs in family and marriage situations. In most families, the males are allowed to do more and better things than the females in the family. They get to go out more and at an earlier age, because they’re males and parents don’t have to be as concerned with them as they do with the females. Marriage is almost the same way. Women are seen as housewives and need to stay home to take care of the children and house chores. To this day, this is still done in many households.

Since females are exposed to sexism at an early age, it doesn’t bother them anymore, because they think it isn’t seriously being committed. Without anyone knowing, how is it ever going to end? Both men and women should put an end to sexism, so future generations can live lives without the discrimination that we have right now.