Thursday, October 25, 2007

Listening task 1

Our teacher told us to do the listening practise at home and speak about our responses to it. My first listening task was named "A suspicious neighbor". You can find it in
As you could see, it is the website to improve English, as second language, skills. the podcast lasted about 17 minutes. It was quite difficult to keep attention for the listening text for such minutes. Exactly, I did not find any difficulties in listening that text. In my opinion, the speaker was American, as it was said in the podcast. What is more, level of English I guess, was intermediate since the rate of speaking was quite slow and almost all the words which where told by the speaker were known to me, so it was easy to understand the text. Therefore, I have listened to it only once. Despite of understanding almost everything, there were some words I did not know at first. So that, after listening practice I have read a transcript and it really helped me with unknown words. I checked them in a dictionary.
Podcasts is really a good way to improve English knowledge. It would be efficient to listen to them as often as possible.

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