The second podcast I have listened was named "#153 Weekend in Las Vegas". It ws taken from the same website as the first one - Besides, this text was not as long as "A suspicious Neighbor". It lasted only 12 minutes.
I have listened this podcast for two times, since the rate of speaking was not slow, but normal. I guess that level of english was intermediate. Besides, the speaker's accent in this podcast was American again. We can think like this even because of the podcast title: action was in Las Vegas. Of course, there were some wordsI did not know the meaning, but after listening twice, I have looked up the meaning of unknown words in dictionary. So, the reading of a transcript helped me with unfamiliar words for me.
Despite listening this podcast for several times, I believe that my ability to understand authentic speech is good. What is more, even I do not understand some words, I always understand the main point of the subject.
I have listened this podcast for two times, since the rate of speaking was not slow, but normal. I guess that level of english was intermediate. Besides, the speaker's accent in this podcast was American again. We can think like this even because of the podcast title: action was in Las Vegas. Of course, there were some wordsI did not know the meaning, but after listening twice, I have looked up the meaning of unknown words in dictionary. So, the reading of a transcript helped me with unfamiliar words for me.
Despite listening this podcast for several times, I believe that my ability to understand authentic speech is good. What is more, even I do not understand some words, I always understand the main point of the subject.